Whats new in GATE 2013?
Organizing Institute of Gate 2013: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)
1. 15 subject papers will be conducted by an ONLINE computer based test: AE, AG, AR, BT, CE, CH, CY, GG, MA, MN, MT, PH, TF, XE, and XL.
2. Female candidates are exempted from paying the application fee, as required by MHRD, Govt. of India.
3. All candidate related information and grievance redressal will be available in a single GATE Online Applicant Interface.
4. Soft copies of photograph and signature must be uploaded during online application (This is in addition to sending recent photograph of applicant with signed application).
5. A new formula will be used for the calculation of GATE score.
6. Biometric information (Photograph and fingerprint) may be captured on the day of the examination for randomly selected candidates.
Important Points for GATE 2013
1. Application Process: For GATE 2013, candidates need to register and fill the application ONLINE only by accessing the zonal GATE websites of IISc and seven IITs. The application process is complete only when a print out of the filled ONLINE application with the candidate's signature and a good quality photo affixed in the appropriate place is received by the respective GATE office along with necessary documents, if any, on or before 8 October 2012. Please note that application forms are NOT available for sale anywhere.
2. Downloadable Admit Card: Admit cards are NOT sent by mail anymore. Admit cards can only be downloaded from the zonal GATE websites from 5th December 2012 onwards. Bring the admit card to the test center along with at least one original (not photocopied / scanned copy) and valid (not expired) photo identification.
3. Use of black ink ball point pen for Offline exams: Candidates should use only black ink ball point pen for darkening of the bubbles in the OMR sheet. Since bubbles darkened by the black ink ball point pen cannot be erased, candidates should darken the bubbles in the OMR sheet very carefully (be sure before darkening).
4. Numerical answer type questions in ONLINE papers: In the ONLINE papers, the question paper will consist of questions of multiple choice type and questions of numerical answer type. For multiple choice type questions, each question will have four choices for the answer. For numerical answer type questions, each question will have a number as the answer. Each online paper will have 15 or more marks worth of questions requiring numerical answers where possible.
5. Pre-final year students: Pre-final year students are NOT eligible to write GATE 2013. For details, refer to eligibility for GATE examination.
Source: www.gate.iitb.ac.in/gate2013/
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