Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Online GATE Mock Exam

Online GATE Mock Exam

GATE 2013 for some papers will be conducted online  Candidates can make themselves familiar and get used to the interface in a simulated web based test. This web based interface is nearly identical in format, look, and feel to the actual exam to be conducted on 20 January 2013. Candidates are encouraged to practise with this interface as many times as they wish, and become familiar with it so that they spend less time on the day of the exam on understanding the interface, and concentrate more on answering the questions.

  1. Please read the instructions given after you login as Guest, and familiarise with it thoroughly, you may also take a screenshot print out of it to read it at leisure.
  2. The mock test is only representative.  The actual questions that appear in the exam can be very different.
  3. The marks scheme for each paper will be displayed in the Instructions section of that paper under "Other Instructions".
  4. The "Candidate" and Photograph Image that appears on the top right corner of the screen in the Mock Test will be replaced by the name of the candidate, and their photograph submitted during the application process.

For taking a Mock Test, click on a link given below.

AE – Aerospace Engineering

AG – Agricultural Engineering

AR – Architechture and Planning

BT – Biotechnology

CE – Civil Engineering

CH – Chemical Engineering

CY – Chemistry

GG – Geology and Geophysics

MA – Mathematics

MN – Mining Engineering

MT – Metallurgical Engineering

PH – Physics

TF – Textile Engineering and Fibre Science

XE – Engineering Sciences

XL – Life Sciences



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Gate Notes Online will be updated soon ! It's Under Maintenance of uploading Gate Notes and Books.